

Oh Hill Yeah!

Q: Flyer

PAX: Sparty, Admiral, Cutthroat, Cha Cha, Mint Chip, Journey, Chopsticks, Gutenberg, Treble

When: Wednesday July 22, 2020

Where: The Dam (aka The Hill aka Good Samaritan Church)

“How you handle the uphill battle determines everything,” was the pre-blast for today’s workout!


jumping jacks, skiers, low slow squats, dynamic quad stretching - all IC

The Thang:

Slow jog up and down the hill, twice 

10 squats 

Sprint up, jog down 

10 jump squats 

Side shuffle up hill leading with left leg, run down 

10 side lunges 

Side shuffle up hill leading with right leg, run down 

10 jump lunges 

Jog up and down the hill backwards, twice (yes both ways backwards!)

10 sumo squats 

Lunge all the way up the hill, jog down 

10 tuck jumps 

High knees up halfway, sprint to top (jog down) 

