

Love Yourself Badass Birthday Q

Q: Flyer

PAX: São Paulo, Cubbie, Tooth Fairy, PI, Hokie, Beats, Cutthroat, Dakota, OoRah, Poppy, Blacklist, Thunderbird, Admiral, Awesome Sauce, Mustang Sally, Chocolate, Cha Cha, Mint Chip

When: Saturday August 15, 2020

Where: Camp Pain (YMCA Camp Thunderbird)

Birthday Qs are totally a thing! YOU should definitely Q your birthday YES YOU! Fun way to kick off your day. Today F3 The Fort (Fort Mill) posted for F3 Nation to wear black for Cash, a PAX in his last days battling cancer and we wanted to show support too. While reading comments on this post, someone posted their region would rep in badass black. And I thought, I want to wear badass black! And I found out that Mudgear’s black color for F3 gear IS actually called badass black. And thus today’s workout them was born.

I started thinking about what it means to be badass, the positive kind. I started today’s sticky workout with the disclaimer and an intro to our theme starting with my inspiration for it and then added something like this:

So what does it mean to be badass?  Saying yes to something others might say no to. Going beyond the fear. For some it may look like quitting your job. Starting a business. Coming out to FiA!! Signing up for P70, working out in the rain, snow... driving in raindrops otw to an outdoor workout. Today. You are all badasses! 

Remember Change lives outside your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. And go after it and push yourself today in your workout. That’s what I want each of you to do today. 


  • Instead of my normal 30 jumping jacks in cadence we did 37!

  • Hill sprint warmup :) (bc I am going to miss this hill when we move back to the school!) so 5 hill sprints

  • Sally up/down with squats!!

The Thang:

Inspired by Charmin’s recent Tabata workout, we pushed ourself through the following. 20s on, 10 off. For 5 rounds then moved onto the next set:

Set 1:

  • Right leg lunge back with right knee hop/up

  • Left side (above)

  • Jump squats

set 2:

  • left side lunge with dynamic leg lift

  • Right side (above)

pick up squats! (and if you cross your legs in the middle they’re called “boy bands”)

set 3

  • zebras (downward dog alternate leg lifts)

  • windshield wipers (on back legs go side to side for AB workout)

  • tuck jumps!

we ended with 37 star jumps (my burpee mod) OR some girls did choose to do burpees instead :) THEN we all did 10 MORE together in a countdown.

and sweat ensued. Super fun, challenging workout if you pushed yourself!

Then after count and name o Rama I read from quotes from the book “You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life” by Jen Sincero

If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse.

You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.

What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

Imagine what our world would be like if everyone loved themselves so much that they weren’t threatened by other people’s opinions or skin colors or sexual preferences or talents or education or possessions or lack of possessions or religious beliefs or customs or their general tendency to just be whoever the hell they are.

The we did a call and response to this reading below and named our FNGs: welcome Batgirl and Roadtrip (Respect!)
