

BYO Ladder | Virtual Workout

Q: Flyer

PAX: Admiral, Cubbie, Awesomesauce

When: Wednesday, April 22 2020

Where: The Garage (aka our at home quarantine AO!)

Last Saturday’s virtual workout was so fun I wanted to do it again for my Wednesday Q this week! I chose 5:30 since I normally try to start work by 6:30 or so with our family’s quarantine, everyone-at-home schedule. I was so excited to have Admiral, Cubbie and Awesomesauce join me as a change of pace from working out on my own as well! Plus the extra accountability to ensure I got up—which I assure you I wouldn’t have done at that hour by myself.

This workout requires a chalk or tape ladder, which is fun to have around and your kids can play hopscotch or check off your PE box later! This website recommended 15 ft of ladder at 16 x 13. Plus review all the great reasons why agility training is so good for you!

You can follow along with our recording here if you’d like! Skip ahead for 8:30 for the start:

Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/3e9oLK3U02RLW53tsWHCSIsbJ4H1T6a81Sgd8_MFnkjBd7WsurJdHWxLC2qGKPmF Access Password: 4u&Lg5!B

warm up:

1 min each:

  • butt kickers

  • high knees

  • side lunges

  • fast feet

  • open/close gate (soccer knees)

  • 1 min plank to warmup core

The Thang:

View a demo of these drills here.

Do each agility drill down your ladder and repeat that one drill twice. Start with the other foot/side. Then move onto next drill: 

1. Single Foot In Each Square

2. Two Feet In Each Square

3. Lateral Stepping (Two feet in each square)

4. Jumping Jack Feet (Two feet jump together in a square, then jump out while moving down the ladder)

5. In In Out Out

6. Lateral Carioca (Grapevine as you move across the ladder; do each side and lead with right then left)

7. Cross-Overs (One foot crosses front and steps in square; two feet step to the side and then keep repeating, keeping one foot in the square, two feet on the side)

8. Icky Shuffle (Two feet step in a square; one foot to the outside e.g. RL out, LR out)

9. Single Foot Hops (Do right, then left)

10. Side Shuffle (Inside foot moves in and out of each box while the outside foot is keeping pace with an alternate step, stay on same side down ladder, switch sides for round 2)

11. Walking Push-ups (hands in each square as you move laterally down the ladder… CDD mod if needed)

1 min “Al Gore” for Earth Day (squat hold while “hugging tree”)

Repeat until your 45 mins is up! You got this!

Earth day quotes:

Earth rejoices our words, breathing and peaceful steps. Let every breath, every word and every step make the mother earth proud of us.

-Amit Ray 

It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, to support its weaker members and to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live.

-Dalai Lama 

Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.

- jimmy carter 

Virtual hugs!!!
- Flyer