

Kris Kross will make ya JUMP JUMP

Q: Arrietty, Beetlejuice

PAX: Rooster (RESPECT), Guns, Treble, Rays, Fresh Prince, Worker Bee, Cougar, Reesey, Taco, Mamacita, Zen, Pixie, Flyer, Blacklist, Vino, Cubbie (RESPECT), Toby, J.Lo, Topcat, Anchor, Perky Princess, Brittini, Chopped, Okie, Turps, FNGs: Amy (Houdini), Edily (Powder Puff)

When: Saturday, September 21, 2019

Where: Oakridge Middle School “The Wave”

This was Arrietty & Beetlejuice’s co-VQ! We both love 90’s music so we wanted to incorporate that and decided to continue the “90” theme throughout the workout!


9 exercises with burpee in between - 90 reps

1. Strawberry pickers
2. Imperial walkers
3. Windmill (slow)
4. Moroccan nightclubs
5. Calf Raises
6. Mountain climbers
7. Low slow squats
8. Smurf Jacks
9. Flutter kicks

The Thang:


For this we did a lap around the back of the school. Each time Arrietty would yell stop, we’d drop and do exercises. The first time we did just 5 push ups. The second time we stopped, we did 5 push ups and added 10 flutter kicks. We added on a set of exercises and then began taking a set away until we were done. Everyone held plank until all the PAX had completed the exercises.

5 push ups
10 flutter kicks
15 Russian Twists
20 LBC’s


For this exercise we ran up to the top of the lot and started with 1 bomb jack at the top, ran down the hill, and did 10 squats at the bottom. Then we ran back up the hill and added a rep to the bomb jacks and took away one from the squats, each time would equal 11.


When “Jump” by Kris Kross came on, we jogged in place and when they said jump, we did jumping jacks.


We started with 30 curtsy lunges. Whoever reached 30 reps first got to pick the next set of exercises. We did 9 rounds of this. We ended up doing tricep dips, big boy sit-ups, sumo squats, side lunges, arm raises, and a few others.


We formed two lines. Tossed a football back and forth all the way down the line. If the ball was dropped, we
had to do a push up. Each time the ball was dropped after that, we’d add a push up. We only dropped it three times the first round, so we took a big step back and threw it at a farther distance. This time we dropped it 11 more times! :)

Arrietty closed us out with scripture from Romans 8 and a prayer.

Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.

Thanks everyone who came out to support us! Love you guys!